Monthly Archives: July 2013

Last day of school

First day of freedom!
First day of freedom!

It’s not really hit me yet… but… now we are free!!
Had a very special last 2 days at school, saying my good-byes to the kids, parents and colleagues. Got lots of very nice cards and personal presents and very special last conversations with the parents… It still feels unreal – we won’t go back to work in September! Wow…. we are free to do and feel just what we want…

Visited my dad today and he was doing so much better… We haven’t booked our flights yet as we wanted to wait till he recovered more and be sure that he was gonna be fine. It’s not been an easy month or so and our travel plans seemed unimportant and were overshadowed with my dad being in hospital… So thankful that he seemed so much like himself today 🙂 Just made us realize that without health nothing really seems important and that’s the only thing that really matters!

Also – next week I have to go to hospital myself and have a thyroid operation done. When is life gonna start getting a little kinder to us???
Now all we have to do is firstly get/stay healthy and then get started with emptying our house!

Told lots of people at school about our trip yesterday and although I will be very worried about my family at home, it just also made me realize how very lucky we are to be able to take this next step together. It just seems like such an amazing and aaaaaaaaahhhhh-feeling that we are really doing this. All these years of secretly dreaming of another chance of “escaping” and to know that it really is gonna happen, just makes me feel all giddy and fuzzy inside!!!