This is us

We had been trying to sell our house and find a new place to live in for the last 6 months or so… I was pregnant  and looking forward to having a little brother or sister for Finley…

Then life as we wanted it to be changed… I lost our baby  (after having already lost two  babies in the previous two years) and I was in a lot of emotional pain finding it hard to even just get out of bed and wanting to sleep all day…
I just couldn’t bear the thought of  carrying on with life and work, acting as if everything was normal…

It was the right time to live our other dream…
Once we decided to JUST DO IT, it was quite simple really! Both of us took a year off  from work,  with Finley still left with one year  before he has to start with school and the house being sold, the timing seemed perfect.
We just want a year away – away from everyday life, the everyday struggle, the “Hamsterrad” (tread mill), away from worries, insurances, money problems, time pressure, away from over-stimulation… we need time for healing, new discoveries, time for just the three of us, time for our family,  for new adventures, time to make unforgettable memories, time to overcome fears, to let magical things happen, time to explore, to be together,  time for hiking, beaches, mountains, trekking and backpacking, time for laughter and carefree times, for happiness and freedom, for travels and new countries, time for new cultures and people, for relaxing and excitement, for simplicity and realizing the true values in life, time for only living with what we can carry on our backs…. I could go on for ever!

So this summer we will spend emptying our house, packing everything up, canceling lots of  insurances (yes!) and leaving for Asia in September! We don’t want to plan too many things at all… if we love a place, we’ll just stay there as long as we want and if we want to move on, we will – that’s it!

Let the adventures begin!


6 thoughts on “This is us

  1. Sooooo super! Ich wünsch euch eine wunderbare Zeit und beneide euch natürlich… Time will be flying and we will welcome you at the pool (hopefully 😉 of our new house in Haid after your return!
    PS: falls euch magdi über den weg rennt, dann packt sie ein, wir vermissen sie!

  2. Hallo ihr drei Perlen, super Homepage… Ich werde eure Reise mitverfolgen und in Gedanken immer wieder bei euch sein, dicker Schmatzer Fabienne

  3. Hi Chris, Sam & Finley,
    I love your stories and your whole journey around the world. Such an inspiring trip you have done… so amazing. I have followed your journey all the time and still do so (reading through some of your posts over and over again) because it is just amazing that you have done all this with the whole family!
    Is there any chance to contact you directly for some travel advices?
    Best Regards 🙂

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